职业女性;事业型女性 A career woman is a woman with a career who is interested in working and progressing in her job, rather than staying at home looking after the house and children.
I want him to respect me as a career woman 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。
She prefer to lead a happy life at home rather than to be a career woman. 她喜欢在家过幸福生活,而不愿意做一个职业妇女。
Or was I too soft, too much of a mom, not enough of a career woman? 或者我太软了,太像个妈,不够像职业女性?
Being a career woman who always stays up late in the office, my mother has employed a housemaid to do all the daily chores. 我母亲是位职业女性,经常在办公室熬夜,故聘用一名女,帮忙家务。
As a high-flying career woman, it's amazing that she also has such a settled family life. 作为一个事业有成的职业女性,她还拥有一个稳定的家庭,这很令人惊叹。
It's so hard being a single parent and a career woman. 当一个单亲家长和职业妇女真不容易。
For many years, it was Mum My mother was a career woman and had her own problems to take care of, but when I needed her, she was always there. 我的妈妈是一位职业女性,她有她自己的烦恼,但是任何时候我需要她的时候,她总在我身边。
Yes, I'm a very good mother and successful career woman. 是的,我是个非常出色的妈妈,并且也是一名优秀的职业妇女。
Susan is a career woman and a mother, so she has the best of both worlds. 苏珊是一位职业妇女,同时她又是一位母亲,真可谓两全其美。
A career woman is still regarded as something of an oddity. 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。
If you are a career woman with a high salary, you will go to expensive shops where there are many assistants helping you, so as to save time. 如果你是一位收入颇高的职业妇女,为了节约时间,你会到有许多服务人员的昂贵的商店去购物。
Is not an all empty vase in a brains for the sake of the proof "Barbie", but a career woman. 为了证明“芭比”不是一个头脑空空的花瓶,而是一个职业妇女。
Today is the President's Day, me, a professional "career" woman, has to stay at home taking care of the baby. 今天是总统纪念日,我一个职业女性在家里带孩子。
She played the intellectual assistant of Ahn jae-wook's character and epitomized the ideal career woman. 她饰演安在旭的聪明助理,并且是作为一个完美职业妇女的缩影。
A woman, on the other hand, is expected by society to be perfect in many roles: Gorgeous woman, dutiful daughter, outstanding career woman, adoring wife, angelic mother. 而另一方面,女人却总被社会期望着做“全能冠军”:美丽俏佳人、孝顺乖乖女、职场女英豪、甜美小娇妻,天使级妈妈。
That could make her the embodiment of the modern career woman and a role model for millions more ambitious female executives. 这一点能够把罗睿兰塑造成现代职场女性的化身和数百万志向远大的女性高管的榜样。
HILDA HO ( Tang Shui Man, Sheren) is a very capable and independent career woman. 海翘(邓萃雯)独立能干,是女强人最佳典范。
How hard she finds it to be a career woman! 她感到做一个职业女性非常困难。
A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to spend time with her family. 女性的职业模式。指女性不愿晋升过快,以便有更多时间和家人相处。
He was a confirmed bachelor and I was a career woman when we met13 years ago. 他是一个单身汉,我是一个职业妇女,在我们13年前遇见时。
She typifies the modern career woman. 她代表了那种现代职业女性的。
She is an ambitious career woman. 她是一个雄心勃勃的职业女性。
But you're a full-time career woman with no experience taking care of kids. 但是,你是整天要出去工作的职业妇女,又没有带孩子的经验。
Goals to be a perfect family and career woman. 目标做个家庭和事业上的完美女强人。
I am learning about business, improving my work ethics, preparing myself to be a professional career woman* I want to work hard because work means a lot to me. 我正在学习商务知识,完善自己的职业道德,准备自己成为一个具有专业形象的职业女性。
My mon is a busy career woman. 我妈妈是个忙碌的职业妇女。
After the movie Go Lala Go was released, it attracted tens of thousands of audiences to the theatre to watch the story of the successful career woman. 电影《杜拉拉升职记》首映后,吸引了成千上万的观众到电影院去观看这部讲述成功职业女性的影片。
At the investigation and analyses of "career woman sports situation" of China, the imperfect PE at college seriously influences the future career woman's body-strengthen. 依据中国职业妇女体育现状的调查分析,大学女生体育教育的不完善严重影响未来职业女性的体育健身。
Married career women wish to act the role of both housewife and career woman, and the society also demands them to do so. 同时担负起工作角色和家庭角色,既是已婚知识女性自身的愿望,也是社会对已婚知识女性的要求,但这两种角色常常发生冲突。
Career development barriers for woman at work mean all barrier factors for woman at work either experienced or perceived. 在职女性职业生涯发展障碍是指在职女性职业规划和发展过程中所可能遇到或感知到的所有阻碍因素的总和。